What to Expect
The 1st session
The 1st session entails a consultation preceding the treatment. As well as being asked about your main condition(s) you will be asked about various areas of your health and lifestyle. Your tongue will be examined and your pulses felt. These all help to aid a comprehension of why you have your symptoms and to ensure an understanding of you as an individual.
How will I feel afterwards?
Depending upon your reason for coming, you may feel relaxed or invigorated after your session. If you began the session in pain you may feel a significant decrease in your pain levels, for some people the benefits take longer to appear. It is recommended that you do not have acupuncture or sound healing on an empty stomach as both treatments move energy around your body and may make you feel hungry and slightly faint. It is also preferable that you abstain from alcohol following the treatment in order to maximise the body's healing potential, and instead drink plenty of water.
I don't like needles - should I come for acupuncture treatment?
The needles used are extremely fine and very different to the ones used for injections. As a result many people hardly feel the needles going in. Once they are inserted, the sensation you may experience is one of energy being moved deep in your body - this varies from a slight tingling to a dull ache. Every point is different and every person is different so the feelings vary from place to place and person to person.
Alternatively, choose sound treatment instead and I will work with sound vibration to help to rebalance your body’s energies.