Working with sound
Instruments I work with:
· Tuning forks of different frequencies
· Weighted tuning forks on the body – these are brilliant for stimulating specific acupuncture points using sound vibration instead of needles
· Crystal bowls tuned to different notes, enabling me to work with different triads eg C Major, G Major for different health conditions
· Gongs – large, floor mounted ones and hand held
· Drums – off body and on
· Tibetan bowls – off body and on
· Plus, but not limited to: rainstick, koshi chime, tongue drum, sansula, shakers.
Sound healing
What is it?
In a nutshell, sound healing uses sound vibration to help re-balance the body on a deep cellular level. Mind, body and soul are all energy. Sound waves encourage these energies to vibrate back into more natural states of harmony and health.
Receiving sound of this nature enables the body to easily enter into the alpha-theta border – the state between quiet wakefulness and light sleep where it is known that healing takes place: a turning down of the conscious state and a turning up of the subconscious. Enabling one to step out of the often switched on sympathetic (fight or flight) nervous system and into the parasympathetic (rest & digest) nervous system mode.
Therefore, ideal for helping to:
· reduce stress & balance cortisol levels
· alleviate pain
· reduce inflammation
· balance the immune system
The positive outcomes:
· Heart rate calms and blood pressure reduces
· Digestive system operates more efficiently
· Muscular system relaxes….etc
People often experience vivid imagery: colours, people and have deep insights. Feeling stuck? Angry? Lacking clarity? Entering into the alpha-theta border encourages an opening of the mind and encourages a way of thinking to help one start to work through blockages and unhelpful emotions.
What I offer:
Groups of 4-5 people:
Experiencing sound in a group setting provides the potential for all of the above. I currently offer sessions in my cosy home clinic enabling groups to experience sound together.
Intimate groups of 2
These enable me work with more on-body sound allowing the body to go into an even deeper healing state.
1:1 sessions
Based on my knowledge, acquired over 2 decades of working as an acupuncturist, I take a detailed case history along with looking at your tongue and pulse to help me build an understanding of your own story, or your own jigsaw puzzle, with its own pathologies or pieces out of place. Its individual and tailored which then aids me to create a personal sound journey for you. As with intimate groups I am able to play on the body as well as off body. I’m combining my 20 years of Chinese medicine diagnostic expertise with sound vibration for healing instead of using needles.
I conduct the acupuncture/sound aspect of the session with you lying on the treatment couch. You will receive acupuncture & sound for 30-40 minutes.